Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Old Photo Sunday

This is a photo of the Winn Family. Sarah, Elnora, Ruth, and Jacob all enjoying a 4th of July in the 30's at Covina Park.

Our family has many memories made in Covina Park.

What are some of your memories of Covina Park?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Visits from Bob

This is a picture of Marc's pet spider named Bob. He's a very mischevious spider who lives for a good surprise. This week he decided it would be fun to suprise me by waiting in the bathtub(as you can see in the picture) to scare me when I went to take a shower. I gasped, jumped back, said "That's not funny!" and then muttered something about the 'spider striking again' then went about my business.

After this he felt very proud of himself, and decided to take a break and go into hiding for a while, but was soon hit by boredom again and found himself another great waiting spot hoping to scare Dad this time. He knew how much Poppa Tom likes his milk in the morning. The only setback was that he forgot how cold it was going be waiting in the fridge all night!! He was a little let down to only get laughs for what he had endured, but still any response to him is the sign of a job well done. *wink*
So watch out, 'cause Bob just might decide to visit your house next!

Blogs "of the day"

After a few months of blogging here is a list of some fun ones:

The one has amazing photos of space, earth and sky, it helps you remember where we live.

This lady has a new year resolution to use her crock-pot every day. Check her out, and cheer her on.

This blog is so fun. He is the inspiration for the Old Photo Sunday on our blog. He helps us to remember where we've been.

Enjoy Ny

Monday, April 21, 2008

Two accounts now.

Well, I finally did some poking around this site and found out how two accounts can post to one blog. So hopefully this will help make it less confusing to know who's who. Yay!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Old Photo Sunday

This is Mom and Dad circa 1969. Nick and Elaine Scharf. They are at my Grandma's house, my Dad's Mom, for one of their Sunday visits. Sunday visits were a constant in our house. Both my Grandparents lived close by so to visit one or both on a Sunday was quite common as I grew up. This photo of my parents captures a very happy moment in time. These two people, Nick and Elaine created a very special world for me and my Brothers to grow up in. I bet we wish, my brothers and I that we could visit them each Sunday. Thanks Mom and Dad, Thanks Grandparents.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

What time is it?

Sushi Time!!

This exact candy sushi wasn't made by me - it was made by my friend JK.(As you can tell she's got the artist eye. What a happy rice ball. hahaha) We'd heard about candy sushi from Rachel Ray's 30 Minute Meals and an episode of Gilmore Girls and had been wanting to try it for a long time and this week we finally did it! So basically, its Fruit Roll Ups as the seaweed, rice crispy treats(before its cooled so its moldable) as the rice, and any kind of candy as the fish/vegetables. heh (we used licorice, gummy worms, sour gummy watermelon candies, and chocolate stick things.

It took a lot of work to make since the rice crispy treats like to stick to you more than anything else but I think the end product was very worth it. Yummy!!

<- These were made by Ernst

These were made by Sakura ->

<- And these were made by me. haha Not very pretty but yummy! I accidentally got too much rice crispy in one of my attempts - we named those the sumo sushi! haha

Happy candy sushi rolling! ^^


Sunday, April 13, 2008

Old Photo Sunday

The year 1979. The place, the San Gabriel Mountains. The trail, Windy Gap Trail. The photo on the top is our little family heading out on our big adventure.
This is us at the top of the trail. This outing was our Fathers Day Gift to Tom. It was a fun time.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Flood Survival Fridays

Its been so nice to sleep in this bed of flowers this week filled with the memories and dreams of my old bed. Its nice to have even simple things that survived the flood, let alone(almost) anything that has survived the flood. :)


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Always home in my heart

I was looking through old digital pictures the other day and I found this video I took of Quincey(our cat) back in January of 2004. This video isn't special because its of Quincey though, it's special because of the background and surroundings in the video that I'm so glad to have it(and all our old photos)now even just to have a quick glance of how it all looked to be able to go back there in my mind with all the details and remember how it used to feel and all the old good memories we had before all these changes.

I love cameras. :)


Look what we found

A different perspective.

Monday, April 7, 2008

This Radish is for you Dad.

Today is my Dad's Birthday. Even tho he is no longer with us, April 7 doesn't get by without us remembering him. He gave us so much to remember him by. But today its the radishes. When I was about 8 to 10 I went thru a gardening phase, planted my own garden. I remember spading the small plot of ground and making little rows for my seeds. One day as my Dad came home from work, he saw me in my garden and said, " boy I sure hope your planting radishes, I just Love them." And he did too, he ate radishes dipped in salt with most of his meals. So of course I said, "Sure Dad I would plant radishes." So the day came and all my rows were planted and staked, and I took a step back and admired the project.
The next morning I awoke to a surprise. Dad waking me up to come out to look in my garden. Overnight my row of radishes not only sprung up but became full fledged plants. I remember being told that radishes came up quick. I remember checking the stake at the end of the row, and sure enough it said radishes. I even wondered if somehow I forgot to pull weeds in a perfectly straight row. But then I saw it, the crooked little smile on my Dad's face when he was joking. He had planted those full grown plants, just to trick me. All the while telling me what a good gardner I was.
Over the years I have thought about this, it was a special time for me and my Dad. As I grew the story became extra sweet when I think of the work that had to be done to accomplish this joke.
So on this April 7, enjoy a radish for my Dad.


Sunday, April 6, 2008

Old Photo Sunday

This here is a picture of Nicki with her first boyfriend, they had short courtship but then she met Tom...

...and she just couldn't resist his wheels.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Friday Flood Survivors

This week the flood survivor is a 36 year old set of " retired"canisters.

These were a wedding present from a family friend to Tom and I in 1972, yep, I am a 70's Mom and proud of it. These canisters went to all 7 houses we have lived in. They survived all 5 of us using them daily. My mind and memory is full of all the use these gave our family. Making pies for the holidays, Kool-aid...lots of Kool-aid, Cookies, filling the sugar bowl, little moments in time and family. I used to worry about them getting broke, but who knew there was a flood in there future. The day of the flood they were in there usual spot which was above the waterline. When we retrieved them from our home they were still standing strong and ready to serve us. But, they were packed away for 2 years, then came the day when these old servants were unpacked and bringing to mind so many memories, as I put them to their retirement spot. All of a sudden we were home.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

More Flowers

I also added some pretty flowers to our home. There's this stand of homegrown things that I sometimes pass while walking our dog BB and I've always admired this vase of orange flowers as I walk by, but have never had any cash on me. So the last time I walked BB I came prepaired and bought the flowers! ...That was when I realized I hadn't thought that plan out too well, because I still had to walk back. Now with one arm carrying a slightly heavy vase of flowers, and the other arm trying to keep my dog in check. haha But as you can see I made it, and the flowers fit perfectly in my orange room. Yay! :)