Friday, May 29, 2009


Mom and I went fabric shopping a few days ago for some summer projects and look what we found in the candy section by the check out.

Giant Smarties!!

Even as a little kid I don't remember them ever seeming THAT big to me, you know?

Its also funny how in this bigger size you can really tell how sour the candy actually is, it kinda Zings at first, who knew? haha

Makes a good candy mustache huh? :P

Also earlier that day, we had a family brunch where I took this picture.

I almost got all of everyones faces...I think it came out pretty good for taking the picture myself. haha
We'll just have to take more like this so we know were to stand, huh? heheh
It was fun to go out and all meet together somewhere different, I hope we can do it again soon. :)

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